How To Strengthen Your Immune System Before Cold and Flu Season

January 10, 2025
7 minute read


When half your office doesn’t show up on Monday, You know the cold & flu season has officially begun. As much as they knock us out however, illness is a natural process in life, but we need to be reasdy with a strong and healthy immune system to stay ahead of the seasonal bug.  Here are quick tips on how to naturally boost your defenses and keep our body resilient.  

Some of these may hypercharge your immune system in ways youdidn’t even realize.

Boosting your Immune System

1.      Prioritize Proper Hydration

What doesn’t water do? Staying hydrated isessential for overall health, and it plays a particularly important role inyour immune system.  Proper fluid intakehelps support circulation to support cellular function, flush out toxinsthrough the liver and kidney, and keep your respiratory system moist and ableto flush out invading toxins directly through the mouth and nose. Keep itsimple. Take a glass of water, and sip that throughout the day.  Add electrolyte rich drinks to furtherenhance hydration.


2.      Get Quality Sleep

You know the record for the longest periodof time without sleep was 264 hours, approximately 11 days? You can live longerwithout food & water than you can without sleep.  It goes without saying that sleep is vitalnot only to healthy living, but to living itself.  Your body repairs and regenerates while yousleep, and White blood cells that have spent the majority of your awake timefighting off foreign pathogens NEED to be regenerated.  That being said said, improve your overall sleepby sticking to a consistent bedtime routine, reducing screen time before bed,and avoiding caffeine and heavy meals in the evening.  I personally don’t have the most consistentbedtime routine, and I do like to check an email of two before I doze off, butI almost never drink caffeine after 3 PM. So there, you can’t say I don’t at least partially follow my own advice.

3.      Load Up on Immune-boosting Nutrients

A balanced diet filled with vitamins andminerals is the BEST way to keep your immune system strong and healthy.  That’s a rich statement coming from someonewho sells Nutrient/Vitamin IV’s but I stand by it.  The best way to get your nutrients is throughhealthy organic food, because your body has evolved over millions of years toextract the right amount of nutrients and vitamins you need from the food youeat.  BUT, we did this evolving BEFOREthe industrial revolution, BEFORE the advent of agriculture, BEFORE Mcdonaldsand Burger King.  The food you eat thesedays might be nutritious enough to keep you from getting scurvy, but they don’tkeep your immune system operating at peak efficiency.  Buying organic, and shopping at whole foodsis a great start, but getting a boost with IV’s can deliver nutrients and mostimportantly antioxidants directly to your bloodstream in ways that we simplycan’t when we eat food.  These vitaminsare crucial for the immune system, and are all found in our Immune IV.


  • Vitamin C
  • Zinc
  • Glutathione


4.      Manage Stress Effectively

Chronic Stress can cause cortisol to bereleased throughout your body and can suppress your immune system, making youmore vulnerable to illness.  Use thesesimple techniques to relieve stress.  Tryyour best not to get angry.  If you feelyourself getting angry, try to calm down. If that doesn’t help, take a time-out and reflect on why you feel theway you feel.  If anyone asks you what’swrong, suppress thoughts of rage, and keep to yourself, no need to burdenothers with your problems.  

I’m kidding of course, these are terribletips, but the usual advice for managing stress like deep breathing, yoga,meditation, hobbies are a bit tone-deaf when it comes to the real world. Whoactually does any of that, and how would any of them help when your boss isyelling at you about next weeks deadline. The deadline is still there, and like it or not, you will be stressedabout until it’s passed.  The best way tomanage stress is to take out stressors from your life, but most of the timethat’s impossible, so the next best way is to find an outlet.


And for what its worth, a little stress inyour life is a good thing.  Its crucialfor growth.  If you’re not getting atleast a little stressed, you’re not challenging yourself.  Just keep it to a minimal, or you might begetting sick more often than not.


5.      Stay Active with Regular Exercise

6.      Support your Gut Health

A large portion of your immune system ishoused in your gut.  Your Digestive tractis at war every day with whatever you swallowed for lunch, and all the bacteriait dragged in with it.  Maintaining ahealthy digestive tract, and healthy microbiological biome helps to fight offharmful pathogens.  Improve your guthealth by eating probiotic-rich foods (yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut), increasefiber intake with whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, and reducing processedfoods and excessive sugar consumption


7.      Wash Your Hands & Maintain Hygiene

I’ll leave this here, but I really shouldn’thave to tell you this one.  Wash yourhands. Don’t Sneeze in People’s Faces.

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